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This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), explores the regulatory frameworks for citizen-initiated instruments of direct democracy, paying special attention to the citizens' legislative initiative and the citizen-initiated referendum. By carrying out a comparative analysis of the experience of the European Union Member States, as well ...

During its first March 2022 plenary session, Parliament is due to vote on an own-initiative report of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE), advocating new measures to protect and boost civil society organisations' participation in the democratic life of the European Union. Acknowledging the contribution civil society organisations (CSOs) make to promoting the EU values enshrined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), and in particular fundamental rights, ...

Understanding public responses to low carbon technologies

Задълбочен анализ 30-01-2019

This report reviews different models and frameworks that explain public responses to low carbon technologies (LCTs). Based on insights from literature, it highlights the need for a multidimensional perspective to understand the complexities surrounding public acceptance or opposition to LCTs. It also proposes two key solutions for how public responses can be better accommodated in a way that engenders support from the public: by integrating social and values-based aspects in planning, and by ensuring ...

Комуникационна политика

Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-10-2017

Комуникационната политика не е регламентирана в конкретни разпоредби на Договорите, но произтича естествено от задължението на ЕС да разяснява на обществеността начина си на функциониране и политиките си, както и „европейската интеграция“ като цяло. Правното основание на необходимостта от ефективна комуникация е Хартата на основните права на ЕС, която гарантира правото на всички граждани да бъдат информирани по европейските въпроси. От официалното си въвеждане през 2012 г. новата Европейска гражданска ...

The European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (EDS) constitutes a comprehensive multiannual framework for implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) at EU level. The EDS and CRPD are thus closely intertwined. Whilst many stakeholders had called for a revision of the EDS, the recent European Commission progress report suggests instead to maintain the Strategy's objectives for the remaining period. However, given that the current Strategy ends in 2020, ...


Информационни фишове за ЕC 01-02-2017

Младежта е област от националната политика и съответно не се предвижда хармонизиране на законодателството на държавите членки. На европейско равнище решенията, свързани с политиката за младежта, се вземат в рамките на обикновената законодателна процедура. Програмата „Еразъм +“ съдържа част, посветена на младежта, която насърчава младежкия обмен в рамките на ЕС и с трети държави.

Disabled women are at the intersection of various forms of discrimination on the grounds of gender and disability. This report provides an overview of relevant legislation and its limitations. It examines the ways this discrimination manifests itself in many domains of the private and public spheres. An intersectionality approach is seen as the most appropriate tool to analyse the complexity of this phenomenon and inform future policies and legislation, which will ensure participation and realisation ...

Caste-based discrimination is a serious human rights violation, negatively affecting political, economic, social, cultural and civil rights of approximately 260 million people worldwide. The European Union is committed to the promotion of human rights within the EU and in its external relations. This brief aims to assess to what extent the EU has integrated the fight against caste-based discrimination in its external relations. Light is shed on the specific situations in Bangladesh, India, Nepal ...

The Future Orientation of EU Youth Policy

Проучване 15-12-2009

The EC Communication “A EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering”, published in April 2009, presents the Commission’s strategy for the future of policies for youth in Europe. It anticipated the adoption of a new framework of cooperation in the field of youth by the Council in November 2009. This study presents Deloitte’s analysis of the EU Youth Policy and provides recommendations for the next steps of its development.

In the EU Member States there are more than 50 million young people aged between 15 and 25. It is the Member States which are main responsible for the area of youth. However, since its creation the European Community has supported the national measures, in particular by establishing different action programmes, such as the Youth for Europe Programme (1988), the European Voluntary Service for Young People (1996) and the current Youth Programme (2000). The European Community would like to further ...