
Ihre Ergebnisse

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Die europäische Integration ist eine treibende Kraft für Wachstum, Frieden, Umweltschutz und gesellschaftlichen Wohlstand. Es bestehen jedoch anhaltende Herausforderungen, und mit potenziellen Krisen ist zu rechnen. Für die Zukunft stehen Europa verschiedene Wege offen. Das Europäische Parlament favorisiert den Weg ambitionierten, gemeinsamen Handelns der EU. Über diesen Weg können erhebliche potenzielle Gewinne realisiert werden, nicht nur heute, sondern auch in verschiedenen möglichen Zukunftsszenarien ...

This study examines how contemporary welfare state policies address the issues of inequality and poverty both between and within EU Member States. It combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to show the strong links between inequality and poverty, not only in statistical terms, but also in terms of wealth distribution, intergenerational mobility and labour market dynamics. Welfare states are discussed in a multidimensional way, covering traditional welfare state policies on social protection ...

This study analyses the potential European Union (EU) added value (or untapped cost of non-Europe) in certain areas of social and labour policy: short-time work schemes, anti-poverty and inequality-reduction measures, and minimum wage regulations. The three areas are closely interlinked, and the study shows the potential relevance of EU action in addressing the main existing challenges. The quantitative analysis uses the 'budgetary waste rate' approach to measure the potential efficiency gains in ...

This European Added Value Assessment, commissioned by the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, seeks to provide relevant inputs for the Parliament’s legislative-initiative report, 'Quality traineeships in the EU' (2020/2005(INL)). The research paper aims to estimate the European added value of a reinforced 'Quality Framework for Traineeships'. During a traineeship, the trainee can learn things that are useful professionally. However, socio-economic costs can arise if ...

The rules governing the monitoring and reporting obligations of EU funding programmes under shared management have been developing progressively over time. Across the EU, there are over 290 different reporting systems. Fragmentation makes data incomparable, prevents the use of AI and big data sets and systems for monitoring and control, and prevents stakeholders and society from getting a comprehensive overview of the way funds are distributed. This European added value assessment accompanies the ...

The study examines the potential EU added value of the policy options (encouraging cross-border transactions, enhancing social outcomes and increasing economic contributions) as well as the drawbacks. In addition, the assessment highlights supporting non-legislative measures that could promote specific NPO functions in the EU.

Protecting workers from asbestos

Eingehende Analyse 29-03-2021

Asbestos is responsible for more than half of the deaths from occupational cancer in the world. Since 2005 Asbestos is banned in Europe. The risks remain, because of the maintenance or demolition work on older buildings and their renovation (increasing energy efficiency) result in substantial exposure to asbestos and many people still work and live in asbestos contaminated buildings.

Die Europäische Union strebt mit dem europäischen Grünen Deal an, bis 2050 klimaneutral zu werden. Dieses Ziel wird von allen EU-Organen unterstützt. Damit übernimmt die EU eine führende Rolle bei der Bekämpfung des Klimanotstands. Um das Ziel der Klimaneutralität zu erreichen, sind enorme Investitionen und eine beispiellose Umgestaltung aller Wirtschaftszweige erforderlich. In der vorliegenden Studie werden die physikalischen Ursachen des Klimawandels sowie dessen voraussichtliche Folgen für die ...

A responsible TPLF regulatory framework should aim at lowering costs, simplifying unnecessary procedures, increasing the predictability of costs, and delivering efficient services at costs that are proportionate to the amounts in dispute. We explored additional effective safeguards and a number of policy options regarding the contractual, ethical and procedural aspects of TPLF. We then estimated the European added value (EAV) for two alternatives, namely a moderate and a strong regulatory approach ...

European works councils (EWCs)

Briefing 14-01-2021

European works councils (EWCs) represent over 17 million employees and are the first European representation of workers at company level. They facilitate the information, consultation and participation of employees with a focus on transnational issues. In times of crisis, including the COVID 19 crisis, relatively few workers lost their job in EU Member States with well-developed industrial relations systems where workers and their representatives have relatively strong rights.