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Since its launch in November 2014, the Investment Plan for Europe (IPE) has had considerable success in mobilising private investment across Europe. Despite its success, investment levels in Europe remain below pre-crisis levels. There is therefore a need to provide for an extended EU investment programme under the new multiannual financial framework (MFF), which caters for multiple objectives in terms of simplification, flexibility, synergies and coherence across relevant EU policies. The InvestEU ...

SMEs and Better Regulation

Auf einen Blick 07-02-2020

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the European economy. However, numerous internal and external constraints, such as red tape and stringent business regulations, can make running a small business very difficult for entrepreneurs. Creating a business-friendly regulatory environment is a long-standing EU objective. The European Commission's cross-cutting policy on better regulation spearheads improvements, and its 'SME Test' scrutinises the impact of EU proposals on SMEs ...

State aid can be defined as an advantage given by a government that may provide a company with an unfair competitive edge over its commercial rivals. State aid can take several forms, such as public subsidies, tax relief, or the purchasing of goods and services on preferential terms. While the European Union (EU) competition rules consider State aid to be incompatible with the internal market, they allow such aid when it promotes general economic development, for example, when tackling the challenges ...

Die Industrie spielt für das Wirtschafts- und Wachstumsmodell der EU eine zentrale Rolle. Sie befindet sich heute jedoch am Scheideweg, da sie durch neue disruptive Kräfte stark beeinflusst wird, die von der Entstehung neuer Technologien bis hin zu Verschiebungen des weltwirtschaftlichen Kräfteverhältnisses und sich verändernden geopolitischen Gegebenheiten reichen. Bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen stellen sich komplexe Probleme, z. B. das Erfordernis, die Offen-heit von Markt und Handel ...

Umsetzung des CETA: KMU und Regionen im Fokus

Eingehende Analyse 18-11-2019

Die meisten Bestimmungen des umfassenden Wirtschafts- und Handelsabkommens EU-Kanada (CETA) werden seit dem 21. September 2017 umgesetzt. Das Abkommen wird vorläufig angewendet, bis es vollständig ratifiziert wird. Ziel dieser Analyse des EPRS ist es, den Stand der Ratifizierungsverfahren des CETA, seine wichtigsten Ziele, die verbleibenden Kontroversen und die ersten Ergebnisse nach zwei Jahren der vorläufigen Anwendung mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf Regionen sowie kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen ...

The substantial reduction in trade costs and the rapid technological advances characterising the global economy over the past three decades have allowed multinational enterprises (MNEs) to increasingly break up their supply chains and spread them across different countries. The principal implication of this change relates to the concept of value added and the way it is created and captured across MNE-controlled global value chains (GVCs). The dynamic nature of transfers within MNEs, the increasing ...

Making it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access financing through public markets lies at the heart of the capital markets union – the plan to mobilise capital in Europe. Among the various reasons for going ahead with this union is the fact that existing requirements and listing costs in both regulated and multilateral trading venues continue to be disproportionate to the size and level of sophistication of SMEs. To further respond to this situation, the Commission has proposed ...

Industrial production, both globally and in the EU, is undergoing a radical digital transformation. New advanced manufacturing techniques rely primarily on innovative digital technologies, which cannot work in isolation, but are based on connected ecosystems delivering collective technological breakthroughs. All of these new technologies essentially rest on an interconnected 'smart world', where objects, machines, people and the environment are increasingly closely interlinked. The timely and harmonised ...

International value chains have emerged as the new paradigm for the organisation of production globally. Today, most production processes across the world are vertically fragmented as a result of the increased unbundling of tasks and functions and their sourcing from different geographical locations. The extent to which this expansion in supply-chain trade is global in character (which some describe as the 'Factory World' phenomenon), or is rather based on more intra-regional ties clustered around ...

Diese EPRS-Studie – die dritte einer jährlich erscheinenden Serie – bietet einen Überblick über die wirtschaftliche und haushaltspolitische Lage, sowohl inner- als auch außerhalb der EU. In ihr werden die wichtigsten Wirtschaftsindikatoren in der Union und dem Euro-Währungsgebiet und ihre Entwicklungstrends über die nächsten zwei Jahre zusammengefasst. Aus den untersuchten Daten geht hervor, dass im Jahr 2018 ein moderates Wachstum von 2,1 % erzielt wurde, wobei für die kommenden Monate mit einer ...