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The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights falls on 10 December 2023, against a background of war, conflict and geopolitical tensions that would have been familiar to its drafters, and new challenges, such as climate change and technological advances, which they would not have imagined. Then and now, the Declaration, which has served as a foundation for the codification of human rights at global, regional and national level, remains a central reference to be invoked for the ...

Diese Studie wurde auf Ersuchen des Ausschusses für die Rechte der Frau und die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter (FEMM) von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments in Auftrag gegeben. Ziel der Studie ist es, Indikatoren für das Gender Mainstreaming zu entwickeln, anhand derer erfasst werden kann, inwieweit die vom FEMM-Ausschuss gemachten Vorschläge und (legislativen) Änderungsanträge in die Arbeit der übrigen Ausschüsse des Europäischen Parlaments ...

During the April II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to vote on recommendations on discharge to the EU agencies and joint undertakings for their implementation of the 2015 budget. The Committee on Budgetary Control proposes to grant them all discharge.

The workshop was organised on January 26, 2017 at the initiative of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) with the aim to highlight trends, challenges and recommendations regarding civilian and military personnel deployed in CSDP missions and operations in particular in the areas of force generation, training and the national follow-up on crimes and offences perpetrated during deployment. Annalisa Creta is research fellow of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Italy, specialised ...

Estimates of Parliament's 2017 budget

Auf einen Blick 12-04-2016

The budget of the European Parliament (EP), which accounts for less than 1.2% of the EU general budget, covers the administrative expenditure that ensures the functioning of an institution with 751 Members and 24 official languages. On 14 April 2016, the plenary is scheduled to vote on a report defining the priority objectives and proposed budget of the EP for next year.

Als Vertragsstaaten der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention (BRK) sind sowohl die Europäische Union als auch die Mitgliedstaaten verpflichtet, die im Übereinkommen verankerten Grundrechte umzusetzen und zu wahren. Zur vollständigen Einhaltung des Übereinkommens sind auch die öffentlichen Verwaltungen der Vertragsstaaten verpflichtet, wozu auch die öffentliche Verwaltung der EU mit all ihren Organen, Einrichtungen und Agenturen zählt. Die 'Abschließenden Bemerkungen' des UN-CRPD-Ausschusses vom September ...

Gender balance on company boards

Auf einen Blick 30-11-2015

In line with the Commission's increased emphasis on improving gender equality in leadership positions, and after unsuccessful calls for voluntary measures, in 2012 the Commission proposed a directive aimed at increasing female presence on company boards. Despite support from the European Parliament and efforts by several Council presidencies, this proposal has not yet been adopted. On 7 December, the Council is due again to discuss the topic.

The ongoing and anticipated impact of digitalisation and the digital single market not only provides opportunities, but also presents challenges in terms of the job dynamics and changes in working conditions. The net effects of digitalisation on employment are ambiguous, but job losses in certain sectors are inevitable. Classic employer-employee relationships are also under pressure. The transformation of jobs calls for different skills requirements which could lead to growing skill gaps and mismatch ...

This study looks at the possibilities to complement the general data protection framework with specific rules for employment relations. Data protection in employment relations clearly touches on labour law. The specific actors involved, the social partners, and the strategies used in the past to harmonise labour law, are taken into account. The study evaluates the application of the existing general data protection framework in employment relations and considers possible options to improve it.

Proceedings of the workshop on "Better Avoidance of Conflict of Interest: EU Agencies and Other Bodies Moving Forward" held on 21 February 2013 in Brussels.