
Ihre Ergebnisse

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The EU faces challenges from the outside and the inside. Most of those are the symptoms of big underlying trends, and handling them needs foresight. The Global Trendometer tries to provide foresight for decision makers in the EU by analysing the changes in these long-term trends. This publication does not offer answers or make recommendations. It presents summarised information derived from a range of carefully selected sources. This issue of the Global Trendometer analyses long-term trends on India ...

Socioeconomic inequality in Russia

Auf einen Blick 19-04-2018

Russia has gone from Soviet-era egalitarianism to extremes of wealth and poverty. Economic growth since 2000 has slightly reduced the gap between rich and poor, but inequality is still higher than in most other developed countries. The income gap is exacerbated by such factors as corruption and low taxes for the rich, but it is also mitigated by a relatively inclusive education system.

From average annual growth of 2.9 percentage points (pp) during the 2005-08 period, the recession brought average EU28 annual GDP growht down to 0.1pp in the years 2009-12.

EU-weit verdienen Frauen 16,2 % weniger als ihre männlichen Arbeitskollegen in der Europäischen Union. Diese Zahl ist weit mehr als nur eine Statistik: sie hat konkrete Auswirkungen für die betroffenen Frauen, für ihre Familien und für die Gesellschaft insgesamt. Das Europäische Parlament ist der festen Überzeugung, dass die Verringerung des Lohngefälles weiterhin ein vorrangiges politisches Ziel ist. Es geht dabei nicht nur um wirtschaftliche Unabhängigkeit, sondern um soziale Gerechtigkeit. ...