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La crisis migratoria de 2015 en Europa puso en tela de juicio la legislación vigente de la UE en materia de asilo, en particular los criterios con arreglo a los cuales los solicitantes de asilo pueden optar al estatuto de protección internacional, tal como se reconoce en la Directiva relativa a los requisitos sobre el reconocimiento. En julio de 2016 la Comisión presentó una propuesta para sustituir la Directiva por un Reglamento que establece normas uniformes para el reconocimiento de las personas ...

En septiembre de 2020, como parte del Pacto de la UE sobre Migración y Asilo, la Comisión Europea adoptó una propuesta sobre la gestión del asilo y la migración. Su propósito es sustituir al Reglamento de Dublín de 2013, que determina el Estado miembro de la UE responsable del examen de las solicitudes de asilo. Si bien la propuesta «mantiene esencialmente» los criterios actuales para determinar esta responsabilidad, también añadiría algunos elementos al Reglamento vigente, en particular en lo que ...

La crisis migratoria de 2015 en la UE puso de manifiesto una gran divergencia en el nivel de las condiciones de acogida que los Estados miembros ofrecen a los solicitantes de asilo. En julio de 2016 la Comisión presentó una propuesta para sustituir la actual Directiva sobre las condiciones de acogida a fin de garantizar que los solicitantes de asilo puedan beneficiarse de unas normas de acogida armonizadas y dignas en toda la UE. Está previsto que el Parlamento vote su posición en primera lectura ...

Marco de Reasentamiento de la Unión

De un vistazo 08-04-2024

Hay muchos migrantes y refugiados que intentan llegar a Europa arriesgando sus vidas en peligrosos viajes marítimos para huir de la persecución, los conflictos, la inestabilidad y la pobreza. El 13 de julio de 2016, dentro de la reforma del Sistema Europeo Común de Asilo, la Comisión Europea presentó una propuesta de Reglamento por el que se establece un Marco de Reasentamiento de la Unión para ofrecer vías seguras y legales de acceso a la Unión a las personas con una necesidad manifiesta de protección ...

In November 2023, the Commission proposed a directive to modernise and strengthen the legal framework on the fight against migrant smuggling. The proposal addresses the steady rise in irregular arrivals in the EU and the rise in smuggling on all main EU entry routes. The current directive defining the offence of facilitation of unauthorised entry, transit and residence in the EU, and the framework decision on strengthening of the penal framework have both been widely criticised for their failure ...

On 13 July 2016, as part of the reform of the common European asylum system and the long-term policy on better migration management, the European Commission presented a proposal to provide for a permanent framework with standard common procedures for resettlement across the EU, to complement current national and multilateral resettlement initiatives. Resettlement is a tool to help displaced persons in need of protection reach Europe safely and legally, and receive protection for as long as necessary ...

In 2016, with unprecedented numbers of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers arriving in the EU, the European Commission proposed a package of reforms to the common European asylum system (CEAS). In June 2018, a broad provisional agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the presidency of the Council of the EU on several of the reform proposals. However, the agreement did not get the necessary support from the Member States. The reform stalled owing to persistent disagreements among ...

The 2015 refugee and migrant crisis in Europe has called into question existing EU legislation on asylum, in particular the criteria according to which applicants for international protection can qualify for refugee or subsidiary protection status, as recognised in the Qualification Directive. Although national asylum rules are more closely aligned than they were, major differences in approach persist across the EU. This can lead asylum-seekers to claim refuge in Member States whose asylum systems ...

An effective return policy that removes from the EU third-country nationals who do not have the right to stay on EU territory is key for ensuring the consistency and credibility of the EU's migration policies. Such a return policy requires common rules and procedures in the EU Member States, implemented in accordance with fundamental rights obligations and respecting the principle of non-refoulement, as well as a robust cooperation framework with third countries that are willing to accept returnees ...

States must treat asylum-seekers and refugees according to the appropriate standards laid down in human rights and refugee law. The 2015 migration crisis revealed wide divergences in the level of reception conditions provided by Member States, which have persisted until today. While some are facing problems in ensuring adequate and dignified treatment of applicants, in others the standards of reception provided are more generous. This has led to secondary movements of asylum-seekers and refugees, ...