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Cyber solidarity act

Briefing 13-02-2024

Russia's war against Ukraine has revealed the extent of our dependency on digital technology and the fragility of the digital space. It has triggered a surge in cyberattacks that have been particularly disruptive when targeting critical infrastructure – such as energy, health or finance – because of the increasing reliance on information technology, rendering this infrastructure all the more vulnerable. Against this backdrop, the Commission has proposed a regulation on a cyber solidarity act that ...

The US cybersecurity posture under Biden

De un vistazo 21-09-2023

In view of the rising frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks hitting United States (US) targets and entailing widespread disruption of critical infrastructure, significant economic loss, and sensitive content and personal data leaks, the Biden administration has taken a series of steps to bolster the US cybersecurity posture since early 2021. Adding to President Biden's 2021 Executive Order on cybersecurity and 2022 Congressional legislation, the 2023 US National Cybersecurity Strategy lays ...

China’s footprint in European critical assets has grown steadily over time, without any centralised mechanism that could give the European Union (EU) and Member State agencies visibility and scrutiny over projects of strategic significance for Europe’s defence and security. China’s footprint poses specific challenges to Europe’s efforts to protect its critical infrastructure. China’s party-led political system does not allow clear distinctions between commercial, political and military interests, ...

El presente documento constituye el resumen del estudio titulado Cadenas de valor mundiales: Posibles sinergias entre la política comercial exterior y las iniciativas económicas internas para abordar las dependencias estratégicas de la UE. El estudio completo, que está disponible en inglés, puede descargarse en el siguiente enlace: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2023/702582/EXPO_STU(2023)702582_EN.pdf.

China's full or partial ownership of a large number of strategic infrastructure assets in the European Union has significantly increased the EU's exposure to a non-EU country with a track record of weaponising its growing global economic footprint to achieve political objectives. Moreover, a series of recent cyber-attacks associated with Chinese hackers have put the EU's critical infrastructure at risk of compromise or espionage. Both developments highlight the need to protect the EU's strategic ...

Resiliencia de las entidades críticas

De un vistazo 16-11-2022

La protección de las infraestructuras críticas contra las amenazas físicas y digitales ocupa un lugar más destacado que nunca en la agenda de la Unión, en particular tras el reciente sabotaje de los gasoductos Nord Stream. Está previsto que el Parlamento Europeo someta a votación, durante el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre II, un acuerdo provisional sobre normas para mejorar la resiliencia de las entidades críticas.

Los ciberataques y la ciberdelincuencia siguen aumentando en todo el mundo. La UE tiene previsto aumentar su ciberresiliencia actualizando la Directiva sobre seguridad de las redes y de la información (SRI). La ampliación del ámbito de aplicación de la propuesta de Directiva SRI 2, que obliga a más entidades y sectores a adoptar medidas coherentes, contribuiría a aumentar el nivel de ciberseguridad en Europa a largo plazo. El Parlamento Europeo celebrará en noviembre la votación en el Pleno del acuerdo ...

The escalation of Russia's war on Ukraine, and recent incidents – such as the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage – highlight the urgent need to protect the EU's key infrastructure against physical and digital threats, including hybrid attacks. The European Parliament will use its powers of oversight in the revived 'question time', during the October II plenary session, to question the European Commission on the issue.

This briefing provides an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, adopted on 15 February 2022 and referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). The proposal, which is included in the 2022 Commission work programme (see Annex I – New initiatives) and in the EU Legislative Priorities for 2022 (see the Commission's working document), seeks to establish a ...

Russia launched its war on Ukraine on 24 February 2022, but Russian cyber-attacks against Ukraine have persisted ever since Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, intensifying just before the 2022 invasion. Over this period, Ukraine's public, energy, media, financial, business and non-profit sectors have suffered the most. Since 24 February, limited Russian cyber-attacks have undermined the distribution of medicines, food and relief supplies. Their impact has ranged from preventing access ...