
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 27 résultats

Just over two months after the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan on 15 August 2021, the movement remains politically isolated. So far, no country has recognised the caretaker government that the new leaders announced on 7 September 2021. The humanitarian situation in a country that largely depended on foreign aid to survive is deteriorating rapidly, so much so that international aid organisations describe the situation as a 'humanitarian meltdown'. Aware that the collapse of the economic and ...

As Member States encounter increasingly complex security threats, momentum to push for EU initiatives to deliver on the Union's level of ambition in defence has emerged. A process aimed at bringing clarity, guidance and incentives to completing the common security and defence policy, the Strategic Compass is a first for the European Union. Announced by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in her 2021 State of the European Union speech, a European Defence Summit is expected to take place in February ...

Après la mer, la terre, l’air et l’espace, théâtres traditionnels des conflits, le cyberespace est devenu le cinquième domaine de la guerre. À mesure que la transformation numérique et l’interconnexion technologique de la société progressent, les risques et vulnérabilités informatiques prennent de l’ampleur. L’Union européenne est très active dans le renforcement des cybercapacités et des cadres de coordination en la matière et a déployé à cet effet toute une batterie de projets et de propositions ...

Geopolitical competition between rival nations and a complex security environment are threatening some of the core values of the transatlantic alliance. The institutions responsible for implementing EU and US security and defence policies aim to protect civilians and to promote rules-based conduct in external action. Against this backdrop, both the EU and US are undertaking significant strategic realignments, as the US shifts from counter-insurgency operations to competing with near-peer powers and ...

Since the referendum to leave the European Union (EU) in 2016, the United Kingdom (UK) has been rethinking its role in world affairs. Under the 'Global Britain' banner, the UK sees itself as a force for multilateralism, a strong military power with global presence and reach, and a strong pillar of the transatlantic alliance. Reflection on the implications of 'Global Britain' for the UK's future foreign, security and defence policy has resulted in two strategic documents, the Integrated Review and ...

La présente étude est le quatrième panorama sur la paix et la sécurité produit par le Service de recherche du Parlement européen (EPRS). L’objectif de cette série est d’analyser et d’expliquer la contribution de l’Union européenne à la promotion de la paix et de la sécurité sur la scène internationale, grâce aux différentes dimensions de sa politique extérieure. Cette étude offre un panorama des questions y afférentes et un état de la situation actuelle. Elle présente tout d’abord la notion de ...

Depuis l’investiture de Joe Biden à la présidence des États-Unis en janvier 2021, la relation transatlantique a fait l’objet d’un considérable regain d’enthousiasme et d’activité politique. La présente étude aborde trois grandes questions du programme politique transatlantique, lequel évolue rapidement, en étudiant les potentialités qu’elles offrent pour créer, dans les faits, de nouveaux «biens communs mondiaux» pendant le mandat de Joe Biden. Sont premièrement abordées les pistes pour élaborer ...

An in-person NATO summit of heads of state or government is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 14 June 2021. Highly anticipated, as part of United States President Joe Biden's first overseas visit, the summit is expected to outline NATO's strategic direction in the decade ahead. The NATO 2030 agenda will be debated, and forward-looking discussions about long-term threats and challenges to Euro-Atlantic security and defence are expected.

NATO looks to the 2030s

En bref 15-03-2021

Launched by the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, in June 2020, the NATO 2030 process aims to generate recommendations on ways to strengthen and adapt the alliance. NATO created a marketplace of ideas with inputs from stakeholders, to inform the revision of its guiding strategic policy document, the strategic concept. A NATO summit in Brussels is expected in the first half of 2021.

In her first State of the Union speech, and in the section of the speech most applauded by the European Parliament, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for the use of qualified majority voting (QMV) in areas such as sanctions and human rights. The crises and security challenges accumulating in and around the European Union have added to the urgency of having a more effective and rapid decision-making process in areas pertaining to the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP ...