
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 22 résultats

This study examines the evolving role of the European Council in the EU’s constitutional structure. As the study demonstrates, the increasing tendency of the European Council to instruct other EU institutions and its limited accountability have established an increasing gap between its de jure role under the EU Treaties and its de facto power in the larger system of EU governance. This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs ...

L’ordre du jour provisoire de la prochaine réunion de la Commission, le 20 juin 2023, comprend une proposition relative à un deuxième panier de nouvelles ressources propres. Cette proposition figure sous le titre «An adjusted package for the next generation of own resources» (train de mesures ajusté pour la prochaine génération de ressources propres). Cette proposition devrait être adoptée en même temps que la révision du cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) 2021-2027. Dans la feuille de route pour ...

Depuis le traité de Lisbonne, les parlements nationaux de l’Union européenne sont reconnus comme des acteurs pertinents et légitimes au niveau supranational et disposent d’outils pour être associés au-delà du contrôle de leur gouvernement national. Toutefois, au cours de la dernière décennie, l’européanisation des parlements nationaux s’est heurtée à de nouveaux défis. De même, plusieurs crises ont stimulé l’intergouvernementalisme. Cette étude, commandée par le département thématique des droits ...

This note presents selected information on the current status of the EU economic governance procedures and related relevant information in view of an Economic Dialogue with Nadia Calviño, Minister of Economía y Empresa in Spain, in the ECON committee of the European Parliament. The invitation for a dialogue is in accordance with the EU economic governance framework. The last Economic Dialogue with the Spanish authorities took place in January 2014 and an exchange of views took place in November 2016 ...

National Parliaments have emancipated themselves into the EU legislative process and have become more actively involved at the European level. This briefing provides an analysis of the role of National Parliaments in the process of transposition of EU legislation – a mere segment of the overall implementation process.

This briefing summarises the findings of a survey on the role of national parliaments in the European Semester for economic policy coordination. The survey was conducted by the Economic Governance Support Unit of the European Parliament between 30 January and 8 February 2018.

The 2017 G7 Summit in Taormina

En bref 23-05-2017

On 26 and 27 May 2017, the G7 will hold its 43rd summit in Taormina, Italy. The summit is expected to focus on the global economy, foreign policy, security of citizens, and environmental sustainability. The EU will be represented by the Presidents of the European Council and Commission.

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the European Parliament. It assesses the implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon provisions on national parliaments as well as other related developments since 2009. The issues that are specifically investigated include the treaty provisions regarding national parliaments, Early Warning Mechanism, dialogue between national ...

Evaluation is an exercise which aims to assess the outcomes and relevance of an intervention – be it a policy, a piece of legislation, a project, a spending programme or an international agreement – in the light of its initial objectives and expected effects. This assessment is based, as far as possible, on empirical information that has been collected and critically analysed - the evidence-base. Evaluation looks into direct as well as indirect impacts, including consideration of undesired side-effects ...

Cette publication examine les origines, les développements institutionnels, et les défis actuels de l'Agence internationale de l'énergie (AIE). L'AIE est un organe autonome de l'OCDE institué en 1974. L'AIE est devenue une source de conseils stratégiques et de données comparatives faisant autorité en matière de politiques énergétiques mondiales. Cette analyse porte sur les principaux objectifs et structures de l'AIE (y compris son système de financement), sur ses différents mécanismes d'intervention ...