
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 42 résultats

Most of the Member States have used corporate sponsorship during their Council presidency. Although the official meetings of the Council are financed by the EU budget, the rotating presidency usually organises unofficial meetings and events that are not covered, while other extra costs also incur due to the presidency tasks. Even the regular Council tasks may costs extra for the Member State holding the presidency as it may need to reinforce the permanent representation in Brussels, send more diplomats ...

This briefing follows up the commitments made by the commissioner since 2019.

Fidèle à la volonté de Jean Monnet et de ses plus proches collaborateurs, qui rêvaient de voir sa maison familiale transformée en un lieu dédié à l’accueil des jeunes, le Parlement européen a fait de ce lieu de mémoire ouvert à la visite l’endroit idéal pour s’informer sur le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne et pour découvrir le cadre de vie et de travail de l’un des architectes de l’Europe d’aujourd’hui. C’est dans ce lieu qu’ont été mûris de nombreux projets essentiels pour l’avenir de la France ...

Aiming to forge a closer relationship between EU citizens and the EU integration project, the Conference on the Future of Europe gave 800 citizens gathered in four panels the opportunity to discuss and formulate recommendations for the EU institutions to follow up. Debated in both the conference plenary and the conference working groups, these recommendations are intended to permeate the whole discussion within the conference. With Panel 2 having issued the first set of recommendations in December ...

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission have committed to listen to Europeans and to follow up, within their sphere of competences, on the recommendations made. In this framework, four European Citizens’ Panels have been organized to allow citizens to jointly think about the future they want for the European Union • Panel 1 - "Stronger economy, social justice, jobs, education, culture, sport, digital transformation" • Panel 2 - "EU democracy, values, rights, rule of law ...

As part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, 800 citizens debated their ideas for the European Union in four thematic panels. The citizens involved in Panel 4 considered the possibilities for two related themes: the EU in the world and migration. This publication presents their recommendations, as well as a selection of related European Parliament resolutions and EU legislation, funding programmes and other activities. These background elements are not exhaustive, but have been selected to ...

In the framework of the Conference on the Future of Europe, four European citizens' panels have discussed the development of European integration in broad subject areas. For each of the 39 recommendations put forward by European Citizens' Panel 2: European democracy / Values and rights, rule of law, security, the present paper sets out a selection of the most recent and relevant European Parliament resolutions on the matter and looks at existing EU legislation and other EU funding programmes, supporting ...

La conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe est une initiative participative qui permet aux Européens d’exprimer leur avis sur ce que doivent être l’action et le fonctionnement de l’Union européenne dans l’avenir. Plusieurs dispositifs, dont une plateforme numérique et des panels de citoyens, doivent leur permettre de débattre de thèmes qui les préoccupent. Cette infographie EPRS présente les structures de la conférence, leur fonctionnement et les thèmes qui seront débattus.

Valéry Giscard d'Estaing a été l'une des figures européennes majeures de la génération qui a suivi celle des figures fondatrices. Proche de Jean Monnet, il s'est lui-même dit inspiré par Robert Schuman. Pour Schuman comme pour Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, la relation à l'Allemagne a joué un rôle essentiel. Né en Allemagne, à Coblence − où son père était en poste dans le cadre de l'administration française de cette région allemande après 1918, il s'est engagé très jeune dans la libération de Paris, puis ...

On 19 October 2021, the European Commission presented its work programme for 2022 (CWP 2022), setting out its legislative and non-legislative intentions for 2022. The CWP 2022 perpetuates the CWP 2021's twofold ambition (i.e. to recover from the pandemic and to boost the Commission's transformative agenda). A special emphasis is put on helping the Union emerge stronger and more resilient. This should be achieved by implementing the measures agreed over the last year, and through additional investments ...