
Vos résultats

Affichage 9 de 9 résultats

La présente étude, commandée par le département thématique des droits des citoyens et des affaires constitutionnelles du Parlement européen à la demande de la commission JURI, présente une évaluation des travaux en cours de la Conférence de La Haye de droit international privé sur la convention sur les jugements. L’analyse se concentre sur le projet de convention de novembre 2017, son interaction avec les instruments internationaux et de l’Union dans le domaine, ainsi que son incidence potentielle ...

As an EU citizen, you can freely move around the EU with your partner and/or children. The EU has clear rules on which national court has jurisdiction in international divorce and parental responsibility cases. The European Parliament supports amicable solutions through mediation in cross-border family disputes, including parental child abductions.

Since the European Parliament (EP) passed a resolution on the use of armed drones in February 2014, it has pointed several times to the need for a common EU position on the matter. It has stressed in particular the importance of ensuring compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law when using armed drones. This publication, which was requested by the EP’s Human Rights Subcommittee, includes a briefing with specific recommendations, drawn up from a legal standpoint, on the elements ...

The United Nations' Minamata Convention on mercury was agreed in 2013 with a view to protecting human health and the environment from the adverse effects of mercury. Although mercury use has declined significantly in recent decades, mercury released into the air, water and land remains a serious threat to human health and the environment. Once emitted into the air or water, mercury can travel over long distances, which makes it a global problem. Current EU policy bans exports of mercury, provides ...

C'est le traité de Lisbonne qui, pour la première fois, a introduit le droit d'un État membre de se retirer de l'Union européenne. Auparavant, la possibilité d'un retrait était très controversée. L'article 50 du traité sur l'Union européenne ne définit toutefois pas de conditions de fond à l'exercice, par un État membre, de son droit de retrait, mais uniquement des exigences de procédure. Il prévoit la négociation, entre l'Union européenne et l'État concerné, d'un accord de retrait traçant en particulier ...

Cette analyse approfondie, élaborée par l'unité Évaluation de l'impact ex-post du service de recherche du Parlement européen (EPRS), étudie l'état d'avancement de la mise en oeuvre de la convention des Nations unies relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (CDPH) par l'Union européenne, après la première étape du processus de révision. Les principes directeurs de la convention comprennent l'intégration des droits des personnes handicapées dans l'ensemble des politiques et au sein de toutes les ...

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee. Despite its increased visibility and relevance to fields covered by the EU, the European Social Charter has been largely ignored from the more recent developments concerning the protection of fundamental rights in the EU legal order. This creates the risk of conflicting obligations imposed on the EU Member States, respectively as members ...

Over the past few years, the number of migrants requesting international protection has increased exponentially. The Geneva Convention on refugees and its subsequent Protocol entitle refugees to international protection, most importantly to the right not to be returned to their home countries. However, they define refugees in a restrictive manner, thus excluding many other categories of international migrants from the rights provided therein.

The European Parliament organised a workshop on 1 April 2014 on Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in the EU's international investment agreements. Volume 1 of this publication describes the proceedings of this workshop, while Volume 2 contains three studies: one on Investment protection agreements as instruments of international economic law, one on ISDS and alternatives of dispute resolution in international investment law, and another on International investment protection agreements ...