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Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA) was set up on 10 March 2022. Chaired by MEP Jeroen LENAERS, PEGA Committee investigated infringements and maladministration in application of EU law in relation to the use of Pegasus and equivalent spyware surveillance software. Spyware and other hacking techniques are critical threats to privacy, data protection and democracy in the EU. They serve oppressive agendas against journalists, political activists ...

Interinstitutional body for ethical standards

Rövid áttekintés 16-04-2024

Parliament is expected to vote during the April II plenary session on the draft agreement reached on creating an interinstitutional body for ethical standards, following a recommendation due to be debated in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) on 22 April. The agreement is the result of negotiations between eight EU institutions and bodies, based on a Commission proposal responding to Parliament's request. The interinstitutional body for ethical standards would strengthen EU institutions ...

Plenary round-up – April I 2024

Rövid áttekintés 12-04-2024

Approaching the end of the mandate, a number of debates on important legislative proposals took place during the April I 2024 plenary session: on the migration and asylum package, reform of the EU electricity market, and the pharmaceutical package. Members also debated Russia's undemocratic elections, and in particular their extension to the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, allegations of Russian interference in the European Parliament, Chinese police activity in Europe, the rule of law ...

Implementing the 'Parliament 2024' reforms

Rövid áttekintés 08-04-2024

During its April I session, Parliament is due to vote on amendments to its Rules of Procedure on the basis of the report adopted by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO). The report translates into legal rules the recommendations made by the 'Parliament 2024' working group after discussion throughout 2023.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, identifies new challenges to democratic resilience and electoral processes, systematically mapping the EU responses to counter them. The study focuses both on external and internal challenges and assesses the responses of the Union particularly in the run-up to the 2024 European Parliament elections. It also provides specific policy recommendations ...

Since the introduction of Article 4(2) of the Treaty on European Union, the meaning and function of the notion of constitutional identity have become an important point of contention. This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, examines what the concept of constitutional identity means and how it has been understood in various EU Member States. It assesses the impact of this concept on ...

A Számvevőszék

Ismertetők az EU-ról 27-03-2024

Az Európai Számvevőszék az Európai Unió pénzügyeinek ellenőrzéséért felelős. A Számvevőszék az Unió külső ellenőreként elősegíti az Unió pénzügyi gazdálkodásának javítását, és egyben az uniós polgárok pénzügyi érdekeinek független őre.

Kormányközi döntéshozatali eljárások

Ismertetők az EU-ról 26-03-2024

A közös kül- és biztonságpolitika (KKBP) területén és számos más területen – például a megerősített együttműködés, bizonyos kinevezések és a szerződések felülvizsgálata esetében – a döntéshozatali eljárás eltér attól, ami a rendes jogalkotási eljárásban jellemző. E területek meghatározó jellemvonása, hogy a kormányközi együttműködés kiemeltebb szerepet kap. Az államadósság-válság miatti problémák az ilyen döntéshozatali mechanizmusok nagyobb mértékű igénybevételéhez vezettek, különösen az európai ...

A szubszidiaritás elve

Ismertetők az EU-ról 26-03-2024

Az Unió nem kizárólagos hatáskörei vonatkozásában a szubszidiaritás Európai Unióról szóló szerződésben foglalt elve meghatározza azokat a feltételeket, amelyek mellett az Unió rendelkezik a cselekvés elsőbbségével a tagállamokhoz képest.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, analyses the impact of digitalization on vulnerable social groups in terms of lower income and education, age, people affected by disabilities, minority ethnic groups and people living in remote/isolated geographic areas. It includes a review of the relevant academic literature, secondary data analysis, as well as three case studies focused ...