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Il 14 marzo 2023 la Commissione europea ha proposto una riforma del mercato dell'energia elettrica al fine di ridurre la volatilità dei prezzi per i consumatori e migliorare le condizioni per quanti investono nelle energie a basse emissioni di carbonio. Nel dicembre 2023 i colegislatori hanno raggiunto un accordo provvisorio sulla proposta per migliorare l'assetto del mercato dell'energia elettrica dell'UE. Il voto del Parlamento europeo sul testo concordato avrà luogo nel corso della tornata di ...

Renewable energy in the EU

In sintesi 04-03-2024

Due to the recent energy crisis, there is a growing focus on renewable energy sources within the European Union (EU) as a possible solution to challenges such as energy security and high prices. The 2023 Renewable Energy Directive (RED) requires the EU to achieve a 42.5 % share of renewable energy sources (RES) in gross final energy consumption by 2030. As of 2022, the EU has reached a 23 % share of renewables in its energy consumption. In analysing the EU’s energy landscape, it is crucial to note ...

La riforma del mercato dell'energia elettrica proposta all'indomani della crisi energetica comprende una proposta volta a migliorare la trasparenza del mercato dell'energia, rafforzare il ruolo degli organismi di regolamentazione e garantire la protezione contro la manipolazione del mercato. Nel novembre 2023 i colegislatori hanno raggiunto un accordo provvisorio. Il voto del Parlamento europeo sul testo concordato è previsto nel corso della tornata di febbraio II 2024.

Wind energy in the EU

Briefing 29-01-2024

Renewable energy plays a crucial role in the context of EU climate targets and energy security needs. Wind energy will be central to accelerating the roll-out of renewables and the green transition outlined in the European Green Deal and the REPowerEU plan. In 2022, the total installed wind power capacity in the EU reached 204 GW (gigawatts), most of which was onshore (92 %). The European Commission estimates that new EU target of at least 42.5 % renewable energy in energy consumption by 2030 will ...

On 14 March 2023, the European Commission proposed a reform of the EU electricity market, with the aim of reducing price volatility for consumers and creating favourable conditions for investors in low-carbon energy. The reform includes two legislative proposals – one on electricity market design (EMD) and the other on protection against wholesale energy market manipulation (REMIT). The reform would improve consumer protection by offering more fixed-price contracts and enhancing supplier obligations ...

On 14 July 2021 the European Commission adopted the 'fit for 55' package, which adapts existing climate and energy legislation to meet the new EU objective of a minimum 55 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. The 'fit for 55' package is part of the European Green Deal, which aims to put the EU firmly on the path towards climate neutrality by 2050. A key element in the 'fit for 55' package is the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), to help the EU deliver the new ...

Energy transition in the EU

Briefing 30-11-2023

Energy is central to the European Union's transition towards climate neutrality by 2050, in line with the European Green Deal. As the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union (EU), the energy sector is undergoing a profound transformation on the path to a net-zero economy. The shift to a more sustainable energy system entails switching from fossil fuels to low-carbon and renewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency in products, industry and buildings, and creating ...

Renewable Energy Directive

In sintesi 08-11-2023

The revised Renewable Energy Directive sets a target of a 42.5 % share of renewables in EU energy consumption by 2030, with additional targets for sectors such as transport, buildings, industry, and heating and cooling.

Social Climate Fund

In sintesi 10-10-2023

The Social Climate Fund will support the most vulnerable citizens and companies affected by the extension of the EU emissions trading system (ETS) to the buildings and road transport sectors. It can be used for direct income support and investments in energy efficiency-related building renovations and sustainable transport.

In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis, the EU has undertaken a number of steps to develop its energy infrastructure. These included diversifying import routes, developing energy networks and improving cross-border interconnections. The EU legislative framework on energy infrastructure is based on the Regulation on trans-European networks for energy (TEN E). It sets out guidelines for EU cross-border infrastructure, including projects of common interest (PCIs ...