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This EPRS paper analyses progress made in carrying through the policy agenda set by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and her College of Commissioners when they took office in December 2019. It looks in particular at the state of play with respect to delivery of the agenda's six key priorities, as we enter the final year running up to the 2024 European elections. The von der Leyen Commission – either on taking office or more recently – has announced a total of 597 planned ...

Annual legislative programming in the EU involves the Commission, Parliament and Council. Although the right of legislative initiative remains monopolised by the Commission, the input of Parliament and the Council to EU legislative programming is increasingly acknowledged. Article 17(1) of the Treaty on European Union vests in the Commission competence with respect to annual programming. Thus, the central document for annual legislative and non-legislative policy programming is the Commission's annual ...

La globalizzazione e i cambiamenti nelle modalità di organizzazione delle multinazionali fanno sì che, sempre più spesso, le decisioni strategiche riguardanti i lavoratori siano prese in un altro paese. I comitati aziendali europei dovrebbero garantire che la voce dei lavoratori sia ascoltata nel processo decisionale transnazionale, tuttavia sono state individuate carenze nelle vigenti norme dell'UE. Poiché la Commissione europea non prevede di affrontare tali problemi attraverso la legislazione, ...

This briefing is intended as a background overview for parliamentary committees (and their secretariats) planning their activities in relation to the European Commission's 2023 work programme (CWP 2023), adopted on 18 October 2022. The CWP 2023 is shaped by the exceptional circumstances linked to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which triggered a vast humanitarian, human rights, displacement, food and energy crisis. As of 7 October 2022, the UN Refugee Agency reports that nearly a third of Ukrainians ...

This European added value assessment seeks to support a European Parliament legislative own-initiative report on digitalisation and administrative law (2021/2161(INL)), asking the European Commission to present a legislative proposal on an EU law on administrative procedure. The study investigates the current state of play with regard to digitalisation and the use of digital tools in EU public administration. The analysis identifies five regulatory gaps and their impact on citizens and businesses ...

This study explains the historical evolution of the common agricultural policy (CAP), established in 1962. It sheds light on the European Parliament's role in shaping the CAP, initially under the consultation procedure (until 2009) and, since the Lisbon Treaty, under the ordinary legislative procedure (OLP). The focus lies on Parliament's own institutional dynamics in the negotiation of the 2013 and 2021 CAP reforms. In particular, this paper examines how the Parliament's status as co-legislator ...

Nel corso della tornata di ottobre I, il Parlamento dovrebbe votare l'accordo provvisorio risultante dai negoziati interistituzionali sulla proposta legislativa volta a modificare la direttiva del 2014 sulle apparecchiature radio. L'obiettivo della proposta è l'introduzione di caricabatteria e porte di ricarica standardizzati (USB tipo C) per i telefoni cellulari e altri dispositivi portatili di piccole dimensioni venduti nell'UE. Tale operazione dovrebbe comportare sia vantaggi per i consumatori ...

Durante la tornata di settembre 2022, il Parlamento dovrebbe discutere e votare sulla relazione riguardante la proposta della Commissione riguardante la rifusione del regolamento relativo allo statuto e al finanziamento dei partiti politici europei e delle fondazioni politiche europee. La relazione è stata approvata dalla commissione per gli affari costituzionali (AFCO), il 13 luglio 2022, con 18 voti a favore, 4 voti contrari e 2 astensioni, e include 36 emendamenti alla proposta iniziale.

Following the division of the Korean peninsula into a southern and a northern part at the end of the Second World War, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was established in its southern part in 1948. The 1950 attack by the communist regime established in the northern part provoked a three-year war, which completely devastated the peninsula. When an armistice was signed in 1953, the Republic of Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Its political system was marked by a very strong attitude ...

This briefing, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides recommendations for better regulation in the EU by improving quality and reducing delays. It points at significant actual and potential benefits from EU legislative initiatives amounting to over €2,200bn as well as costs of slow Europe of €319 billion in lost annual benefits.