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Šio tyrimo, kurį Peticijų komiteto prašymu užsakė Europos Parlamento Piliečių teisių ir konstitucinių reikalų teminis skyrius, tikslas – ištirti Komisijos pasiūlymą dėl Reglamento dėl vaiko kilmės pripažinimo ES. Tyrime nagrinėjama vaiko kilmės nepripažinimo tarp valstybių narių problema ir jos priežastys, esamas teisinis pagrindas ir jame siūlomi (daliniai) šios problemos sprendimai, Komisijos pasiūlymo aplinkybės ir jo tekstas. Jame taip pat pateikiamas kritiškas siūlomo Reglamento vertinimas ir ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), examines the progress made on mutual recognition of disability status, and the challenges this presents. There are different definitions and practices of disability assessment, among the Member States and in different policy fields. Citizens’ petitions raise concerns about this, and about the need for mutual recognition. Harmonising ...

Peticijų (PETI) komiteto prašymu Europos Parlamento Piliečių teisių ir konstitucinių reikalų teminio skyriaus užsakytame tyrime nagrinėjama: i) kliūtys, su kuriomis susiduria vaivorykštės šeimos (tos pačios lyties poros su vaikais arba be jų), kai jos bando pasinaudoti laisvo judėjimo teisėmis ES, įskaitant pavyzdžius PETI komitetui pateiktose peticijose; ii) kaip ES valstybės narės traktuoja tos pačios lyties susituokusias poras, registruotus partnerius, neregistruotus partnerius ir jų vaikus tarpvalstybiniais ...

All EU Member States have transposed the 2002 Council Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant (EAW) and the surrender procedures between Member States. During the January 2021 plenary session, the European Parliament is due to debate an own-initiative report concerning its implementation.

The European Added Value Assessment (EAVA) estimates whether and to what extent adoption of EU minimum standards of civil procedure could generate European added value. The European added value is quantified as a percentage reduction of the total cost of civil procedure. The total cost of civil procedure is estimated based on data on the number of civil and commercial proceedings in the EU-28 and the cost of litigation in the Member States. Based on this analysis, the EAVA estimates that introducing ...

This briefing provides an insight into the latest developments on equivalence in EU banking and financial regulation both in terms of governance and decision making (Section 1) and in terms of regulatory and supervisory frameworks that governs the access of third countries firms to the internal market (Section 2). The briefing also gives an overview on the possible role of equivalence regimes in the context of Brexit (Section 3) together with Brexit-related supervisory and regulatory issues (Section ...

Mutual recognition of goods

Briefing 25-04-2019

The revision of the regulation on mutual recognition of goods was announced in the 2015 Single Market Strategy. The Commission adopted its proposal in December 2017, which aimed to revise previous rules dating from 2008. This regulation aims to improve the rules governing the trade of goods in the single market. Intra-EU trade remains twice as big as extra-EU trade, and is rising constantly. This is, in large part, due to free movement of goods in the EU, which is based on either harmonised product ...

The February plenary session highlights included a further debate on the Future of Europe, with Giuseppe Conte, Italy's Prime Minister; debates on Syria, and the future of the INF Treaty and its impact on the EU; and discussions on Roma integration strategies, and on a reflection paper on a sustainable Europe by 2030. Parliament also held debates on the conclusion of three EU-Singapore agreements; the implementation of Treaty provisions; and the rights of LGBTI people. Members adopted legislative ...

In order to respond more effectively to the challenge of criminals and terrorists hiding assets in other Member States, in 2016 the European Commission proposed a regulation on the mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders in criminal matters. The directly applicable instrument removes the need for national transposition, broadens the scope of the current rules to cover new types of confiscation and includes provisions on victims' rights to restitution and compensation. In June 2018, ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, examines to what extent differences between national procedural criminal laws hinder the negotiations and the operation of cross-border cooperation instruments. It is based on a comparative analysis of a representative sample of nine Member States. It identifies several forms of “hindrances” to cross-border cooperation, ranging from mere delays ...