
Ir-riżultati tiegħek

Qed tara 10 minn 26 riżultati

This study reviews current artificial intelligence (AI) systems legislation, the AI techniques definition proposed by the AI Act and main applications of AI methods in the fisheries sector with special focus on applications to enhance traceability of fishery products, fishing gear selectivity, good practices, and potential to help young people finding jobs. Finally, this study offers policy recommendations relevant to EU decision-making to achieve a better use of AI systems in the fisheries sector ...

‘Transparency’, ‘Traceability’, ‘Sustainable standards’, ‘good agricultural practices’ and ‘zero-deforestation’ are all fine terms which [alongside many others] have emerged in connection with the cocoa sector’s certification process. But does the reality of this process justify using such terms? Our initial conclusions in this study, based on an analysis of existing research over recent years, revealed that a considerable number of investigations had been commissioned by the certification schemes ...

On 11 April 2018, the European Commission published a proposal to review the General Food Law Regulation and amend eight legislative acts dealing with specific food chain sectors. The proposal follows up on the European Citizens' Initiative on glyphosate; and especially on concerns regarding the transparency of the scientific studies used in the evaluation of pesticides. The proposal also responds to a fitness check of the General Food Law, completed in January 2018. The proposal's objective is to ...

The European Parliament and the Council have adopted a new Regulation on the sustainable management of external fishing fleets, which replaces the 'Fishing Authorisations Regulation' 1006/2008, and covers all EU vessels fishing outside EU waters, as well as third-country vessels fishing in EU waters. The regulation revised the system of issuing and managing fishing authorisations, so as to improve monitoring and transparency of the EU external fishing fleet. It extended the scope of the authorisation ...

Following trilogue negotiations, the Parliament is to be asked to approve in plenary a revised system of issuing and managing fishing authorisations, intended to improve monitoring and transparency of the EU external fishing fleet. The new legislation will replace the current 'Fishing Authorisations Regulation' 1006/2008, and will cover all EU vessels fishing outside EU waters, as well as third-country vessels fishing in EU waters. The current scope of the authorisation system would be extended to ...

Is-sikurezza tal-ikel

Skedi Informattivi dwar l-UE 01-06-2017

L-implikazzjonijiet tal-politika Ewropea dwar is-sikurezza tal-ikel huma doppji: il-protezzjoni tas-saħħa tal-bnedmin u tal-interessi tal-konsumaturi, u l-iffavorizzar tal-funzjonament tajjeb tas-suq uniku Ewropew. B’hekk, l-Unjoni Ewropea tara li jiġu stabbiliti (u rispettati) regoli ta’ kontroll fl-oqsma tal-iġjene tal-prodotti tal-għalf u tal-ikel, tas-saħħa tal-annimali, tas-saħħa tal-pjanti u tal-prevenzjoni tal-kontaminazzjoni tal-prodotti tal-ikel minn sustanzi esterni. L-Unjoni tirregola ...

The General Food Law Regulation (Regulation (EC) No 178/2002) was drafted following a series of food incidents in the EU in the late 1990s, including the BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) outbreak and the dioxin scare. It is the act underpinning current EU food and feed legislation and defines its general principles, requirements and aims. The regulation also established the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), an independent agency tasked with providing decision makers with scientific advice ...

In February 2017, the Parliament is due to vote in plenary on a Commission proposal for a revised system of issuing and managing fishing authorisations, intended to improve monitoring and transparency of the EU external fishing fleet. The proposal, replacing the current 'Fishing Authorisations Regulation' 1006/2008, applies to all EU vessels fishing outside EU waters, and to third-country vessels fishing in EU waters. The current scope of the authorisation system would be extended to include practices ...

In the aftermath of the Paris terrorist attacks, in November 2015 the European Commission presented a package of measures aiming to tighten control on the acquisition and possession of firearms in the European Union, improve traceability of legally held firearms and enhance cooperation between Member States, as well as ensure that deactivated firearms are rendered inoperable. The proposal to amend the current 'Firearms Directive' (Directive 91/477/EEC) was part of this package. It aims to ban some ...

Food contact materials (FCMs) are widely used in everyday life in the form of food packaging, kitchen utensils, tableware, etc. When put in contact with food, the different materials may behave differently and transfer their constituents to the food. Thus, if ingested in large quantities, FCM chemicals might endanger human health, or change the food itself. Therefore, food contact materials are subject to legally binding rules at EU level, currently laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 which ...