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This At a glance note summarises the study focusing on EU Cohesion Policy in the nine outermost regions. The study first outlines the geographic, climate, socio-economic, demographic and administrative characteristics of these regions and further analyses the vulnerabilities affecting their convergence processes. It pays particular attention to the implementation of EU Cohesion Policy and the use of place-based approaches to foster their economic growth. Finally, it reviews the importance of Article ...

Kosowo*, liczące 1,8 mln mieszkańców (93 % etnicznych Albańczyków), w 2008 r. jednostronnie ogłosiło niepodległość od Serbii. Perspektywę przyszłości Kosowa w Unii Europejskiej potwierdzono na szczytach UE-Bałkany Zachodnie, które odbywają się od 2003 r. Od 2011 r. kraj ten bierze udział w prowadzonym z pomocą UE dialogu politycznym z Serbią. 18 marca 2023 r. przedstawiciele Kosowa i Serbii spotkali się w Ochrydzie w Macedonii Północnej. Jednym z głównych zobowiązań, które wówczas podjęto, było wdrożenie ...

The development of territorial cooperation between European and Ukrainian local and regional authorities is an important step toward Ukraine’s membership in the EU. This At a glance note summarises the study presenting the benefits of and barriers to the collaboration between European and Ukrainian cities and regions and shows the role of the EU programmes and instruments in supporting territorial cooperation. It suggests solutions that can promote cooperation between cities and regions and describes ...

Covering almost one third of the EU's area, but only 17.9 % of the EU population, the Baltic Sea region encompasses a group of countries characterised by a high degree of interdependence, with a tradition of cooperation dating back to the late Middle Ages and the Hanseatic League. This shared identity was cemented further through the EU accession of the Baltic States and Poland in 2004, increasing to eight the number of EU Member States in the Baltic region (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia ...

During the September plenary session, Parliament is due to vote on a new transposition of fisheries management measures for the north-west Atlantic. As a contracting party to the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), the European Union must transpose its measures so that they apply to vessels flying the flag of an EU Member State. This transposition covers the measures for 2022 adopted by NAFO at its annual meeting in 2021.

During the September plenary session, Parliament is due to vote on a provisional agreement with the Council to transpose the management measures for tuna fisheries adopted by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) since 2008. As a contracting party, the EU must transpose its decisions into EU law.

Czarnogóra złożyła wniosek o członkostwo w UE w 2008 r., a negocjacje akcesyjne rozpoczęły się w czerwcu 2012 r. Kraj ten to otworzył wszystkie 33 rozdziały negocjacyjne, z których trzy zostały tymczasowo zamknięte. Badania opinii publicznej pokazują, że za przystąpieniem do UE opowiada się 75 % obywateli. Podczas drugiej czerwcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament ma przedyskutować sprawozdanie roczne Komisji Europejskiej na temat Czarnogóry za 2021 r.

While each macro-regional strategy is unique in terms of the countries it brings together and the scope of its policies, they all share a common aim: to ensure a coordinated approach to issues that are best tackled together. Building on the success of the pioneering 2009 European Union strategy for the Baltic Sea region, this form of cooperation has since become firmly embedded in the EU's institutional framework, with four strategies now in place, covering 19 Member States and 10 non-EU countries ...

Often isolated, and with generally poorer access to public services, the EU's border regions face a unique set of challenges. This has been recognised under Article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which provides that particular attention should be paid to cross-border regions when developing action to strengthen the EU's economic, social and territorial cohesion. Yet while the EU has provided significant support over the years, particularly within the framework of European ...

On 29 May 2018, the European Commission adopted several proposals aimed at defining the EU cohesion policy for the post-2020 programming period. The package includes a proposal for the new generation of European territorial cooperation (ETC) programmes, commonly referred to as 'Interreg'. The proposed regulation would bring significant changes to the architecture of ETC, with the reshaping of the three traditional cooperation strands (i.e. cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation ...