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This At a glance note summarises the study of the same title. Europe is grappling with increased wildfires due to climate extremes, with protected areas especially vulnerable and fires in contaminated lands presenting distinctive challenges. European response mechanisms are constructive, but they require enhanced comprehensive management strategies, including community involvement and preventive measures. The Cohesion Policy does fund aids against wildfires, yet issues with governance, focus, and ...

According to recent statistics published by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, over 376 million people around the world have been forcibly displaced by floods, windstorms, earthquakes or droughts since 2008, with a record 32.6 million in 2022 alone. Since 2020, there has been an annual increase in the total number of displaced people due to disaster compared with the previous decade of 41 % on average. The upward trend is alarmingly clear. With climate change as the driving catalyst, the ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), analyses the kinds of compensation available to victims of climate change disasters in the EU. The study outlines the dangers and effects of climate change in the EU as well as the EU policies and mechanisms to deal with climate change disasters. A theoretical framework is developed to determine appropriate compensation mechanisms ...

The study aims, first, to provide the European Parliament with an overview of the challenges faced by the agricultural sector regarding the evolution of climate extreme events in the European Union. Then, the study highlights existing solutions to help farmers mitigate the effects of extreme weather events and recover from climate-related disasters. Finally, it analyses existing policy instruments supporting these solutions, including those promoted by Member States under the new CAP programming ...

This study provides an analysis and assessment of EU tools to respond to natural disasters. Particular attention is paid to the European Union Solidarity Fund and the potential synergies and overlaps with other EU instruments including the Emergency Aid Reserve, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as well as Cohesion Policy. Also, the recent modifications to the EUSF including the extension to address major public health emergencies as well as the modifications linked to the 2021-2027 programming period ...

Liczba osób potrzebujących pomocy humanitarnej na całym świecie ma wzrosnąć do 274 mln w 2022 r., co oznacza, że osób w potrzebie będzie prawie o dwie trzecie więcej niż w 2020 r. Obecnie kryzysy humanitarne trwają średnio ponad dziewięć lat; pomoc jest często niewystarczająca, a prawo humanitarne częściej naruszane. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała nowe sposoby współpracy z partnerami i innymi darczyńcami na całym świecie w celu szybszego reagowania na sytuacje nadzwyczajne i skuteczniejszego dostarczania ...

European Union Solidarity Fund

Briefing 03-09-2021

Established in 2002 to support disaster-stricken regions, the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) complements the efforts of public authorities by helping to fund vital emergency and recovery operations in areas affected by catastrophes such as flooding, earthquakes and forest fires. EUSF funding is granted following an application from a Member State or candidate country, and may be used to finance measures including restoring infrastructure to working order, providing temporary accommodation ...

Draft Amending Budget N°9/2020 (DAB 9/2020) accompanies the proposal to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) for a total of €823.5 million to provide assistance to Croatia and Poland in relation to natural disasters, and advance payments to seven Member States relating to a public health emergency. DAB 9/2020 proposes to enter in the 2020 general budget a total of €734.6 million in commitments and payments, after deducting the advance already paid to Croatia. The European Parliament ...

Projekt budżetu korygującego nr 4/2020 (PBK 4/2020) załączono do projektu decyzji o wykorzystaniu 279 mln EUR z Funduszu Solidarności UE na pomoc dla Portugalii, Hiszpanii, Włoch i Austrii, które w 2019 r. doświadczyły klęsk żywiołowych. Proponuje się zapisanie niezbędnych kwot w budżecie na 2020 r. – w środkach na zobowiązania i środkach na płatności – po odliczeniu już wypłaconych zaliczek (6,5 mln EUR). Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad wnioskiem o uruchomienie środków z Funduszu Solidarności ...

The Amazon rainforest, which is the largest ecosystem of its kind on Earth and is shared by eight South American countries as well as an EU outermost region, was ravaged by fires coinciding with last summer’s dry season. However, most of these fires are set intentionally and are linked to increased human activities in the area, such as the expansion of agriculture and cattle farming, illegal logging, mining and fuel extraction. Although a recurrent phenomenon that has been going on for decades, some ...