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The pandemic has highlighted the risk involved, including for the EU, in relying heavily on external suppliers. The EU's 30 critical raw materials (CRMs) combine two characteristics: they are strategically important for its industry and economy, and there are high risks associated with securing their supply. The notion of strategic autonomy, which has been gaining track recently, calls for a more autonomous and independent EU policy, also in the area of CRMs. Importantly, the core of the EU's response ...

Unlike the Arctic states, China has no territorial sovereignty and related sovereign rights to resource extraction and fishing in the Arctic. Faced with very limited rights as a non-Arctic state, China has been eager to design strategies to bridge the widening gap between the legal and institutional constraints in the Arctic and its growing Arctic interests. It has developed a self-defined Arctic identity as a 'near-Arctic state' and sought – and in 2013 gained – observer status in the Arctic Council ...

Prawdopodobnie ponad 3 miliony samochodów elektrycznych było użytkowanych na świecie na początku 2018 r. Wykorzystywano też ponad 6 milionów rowerów, skuterów i motocykli elektrycznych. Do tego dochodzi kilkaset tysięcy autobusów elektrycznych i innych typów pojazdów czterokołowych z napędem elektrycznym. W pierwszej części tego dokumentu prześledzono szybko postępującą ewolucję rynku elektrycznych pojazdów drogowych. W drugiej części opracowania wykazano, że produkcja setek milionów zestawów baterii ...

This briefing note was prepared by the Policy Department for the PETI Committee and provides background information on the region of Lusatia in Germany. In particular it contains background information on the Sorb population of this region and on various aspects concerning the lignite mining activities and its consequences for the population, the economy and the environment of the region.

In the aftermath of two major accidents involving the spill of hazardous extractive waste, the Mining Waste Directive 2006/21/EC was adopted at EU level with the aim to prevent, or reduce as far as possible, the adverse effects from extractive waste management on health and the environment. The deadline for transposition of the directive by the Member States expired on 1 May 2008. Research indicates that all Member States (EU-27) have experienced transposition problems in terms of 'timing' or 'quality ...

W niniejszej ekspertyzie omówiono możliwy wpływ szczelinowania hydraulicznego na środowisko naturalne i zdrowie ludzi. Dane ilościowe i informacje o skutkach jakościowych pochodzą z doświadczenia Stanów Zjednoczonych, ponieważ wydobycie gazu łupkowego w Europie nadal znajduje się w początkowej fazie rozwoju, natomiast Stany Zjednoczone mają już ponad czterdziestoletnie doświadczenie i wykonały ponad 50 000 odwiertów. Emisje gazów cieplarnianych oceniono również na podstawie krytycznego przeglądu ...

Conflict minerals

W skrócie 20-05-2011

The illegal and brutal exploitation of mines in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) funds armed groups who terrorise the region. The international community has launched several initiatives against "conflict minerals". Most aim to encourage responsible conduct by industries that buy the minerals, through certification systems for smelters. The multitude of fragmented initiatives poses a challenge for coordination. Implementation, difficult in a context of chronic bad governance, could ...