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In July 2021, the European Commission tabled a proposal to establish a new EU authority to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AMLA). This was part of a legislative package aimed at implementing the 2020 action plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The AMLA would be the centre of an integrated system, composed of the authority itself and national authorities with an AML/CFT supervisory mandate. It would also support ...

This document provides an overview of the public hearings of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank in the ECON Committee during the 9th parliamentary term (since July 2019), and lists all research papers requested by the ECON Committee, which are in general provided by a standing panel of banking experts. The annex gives an overview of the respective legal bases for those hearings, which form part of the accountability framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). ...

The EU adopted a comprehensive and innovative regulatory framework on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA) in June 2023 that will regulate crypto-asset markets. The regulation focuses on stablecoins, which are crypto-assets promising a 'stable value' against official currencies or values. The MiCA provides for strict transparency and governance rules, on the one hand, and prudential rules as per other financial institutions, on the other. By covering all aspects of the crypto-assets, MiCA is expected ...

This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Slovakia and the country's new candidate.

Payment services enable digital payments through direct debits, credit transfers or payments with cards or similar devices. Within the EU, these are regulated through the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2), which sets rules for payment services, their providers and consumer protection. Announced in September 2021 under the digital finance strategy and the retail payments strategy, the Commission published two proposals on the revision of PSD2 on 28 June 2023 as part of the financial data access ...

The European Parliament will discuss the European Central Bank (ECB) annual report for 2021 during its February plenary session, in the presence of the Banks' President, Christine Lagarde. The ECB's annual report describes the tasks and activities of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB), reports on its monetary policy and thus provides an important pillar of the ECB's accountability to the European Parliament. Following the debate, Parliament will vote a resolution on the basis of an own-initiative ...

This note is prepared in view of a public hearing with the Chair of the ECB Supervisory Board, Andrea Enria, scheduled for 1 December 2022.

24 września 2020 r. Komisja przedłożyła wniosek dotyczący dyrektywy zmieniającej szereg istniejących dyrektyw określających regulację systemu finansowego i nadzór nad nim w celu przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom związanym z technologiami informacyjno-komunikacyjnymi (ICT). Wniosek jest częścią pakietu dotyczącego finansów cyfrowych, którego nadrzędnym celem jest promowanie innowacji i konkurencji w dziedzinie finansów cyfrowych przy jednoczesnym ograniczaniu ryzyka.

Insurance companies are important investors in EU capital markets. Most of their investments are in debt instruments, while equity investments can contribute to higher returns for policyholders and overall EU economic growth. This study analyses the treatment of equity investments by insurance companies in (proposed) EU legislation; it is considered that this legislation will have limited impact on equity investments. To enhance equity investment significantly drivers other than prudential ones would ...

W grudniu 2021 r. Komisja Europejska przedstawiła wniosek dotyczący zmiany rozporządzenia 2020/2093 w sprawie wieloletnich ram finansowych (WRF) na lata 2021–2027. Proponowany ukierunkowany przegląd ma następujące cele: a) podniesienie pułapów WRF w celu włączenia społecznego funduszu klimatycznego oraz b) wprowadzenie automatycznego corocznego dostosowania pułapów WRF w oparciu o nowe zasoby własne, aby umożliwić spłatę pożyczek w ramach Next Generation EU. W dniu 31 sierpnia Komisja Budżetowa przyjęła ...