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The problem definition in the impact assessment (IA) appears to be well-supported by evidence. The IA provides a sufficient range and description of the policy options, albeit sometimes lacking in detail. The assessment of the options' impacts (economic, social, environmental, fundamental rights) is qualitative and quantitative. It appears to be based on sound research and analysis, with clear acknowledgement that the available data are limited. The IA provides a comprehensive summary of the preferred ...

The European single market celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. On 1 January 1993, the then 12 Member States abolished border controls between each other, launching free movement of people, goods, services and capital. This infographic celebrates the single market's anniversary, looking at the history of the European Union (EU) in terms of macro-economic indicators as the number of Member States has grown. It shows exports of goods, services and investments; movement of people within the EU ...

16 stycznia podczas sesji plenarnej Parlament uczci 30-lecie powstania jednolitego rynku. Poza tym Parlament ma głosować nad projektem rezolucji przyjętym przez Komisję Rynku Wewnętrznego i Ochrony Konsumentów 12 grudnia 2022 r. W programie prac na 2023 r. Komisja zapowiedziała, że na początku pierwszego kwartału tego roku wyda komunikat w sprawie 30-lecia jednolitego rynku.

Recent events have multiplied concerns about potential fragmentation of the internet into a multitude of non-interoperable and disconnected 'splinternets'. Composed of thousands of compatible autonomous systems, the internet is by definition technically divided. Yet, the internet was also designed to be an open and global technical infrastructure. The unity and openness of the internet appear to be under great pressure from political, commercial and technological developments. This report explores ...

This briefing, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, provides recommendations for better regulation in the EU by improving quality and reducing delays. It points at significant actual and potential benefits from EU legislative initiatives amounting to over €2,200bn as well as costs of slow Europe of €319 billion in lost annual benefits.

This study examines the problem of Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) Fraud, the nature and scale of its impact on the EU’s finances, and potential solutions. The solutions that are assessed are: Split Payment Methods, Electronic Clearance Procedure (a digital solution), Real-Time Reporting (and TX++), VAT Coin, and the Definitive VAT system (and proposed amendments). Recommendations are made regarding the most appropriate solution.

Aby zapewnić konsumentom możliwość dalszego korzystania z roamingu w innych państwach członkowskich bez dodatkowych opłat, 24 lutego 2021 r. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała przekształcenie obecnego rozporządzenia w sprawie roamingu. Nowe rozporządzenie ma wydłużyć system korzystania z telefonu za granicą tak jak w kraju („roam like at home”) o 10 lat do 2032 r. Na marcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma przeprowadzić głosowanie w sprawie porozumienia osiągniętego podczas negocjacji międzyinstytucjonalnych ...

Podczas sesji plenarnej Parlamentu w lutym 2022 r. ma zostać poddane pod głosowanie sprawozdanie z własnej inicjatywy w kwestiach ustawodawczych, w którym wzywa się Komisję do przedstawienia dyrektywy w sprawie wspólnych środków dla organizacji niekomercyjnych, jak i rozporządzenia ustanawiającego status europejskich stowarzyszeń transgranicznych i organizacji niekomercyjnych. We wniosku uznano, że choć organizacje niekomercyjne stanowią nieodłączną część gospodarki UE, zmagają się z licznymi wyzwaniami ...

This At A Glance summarises the key findings of the original study, which reviewed and analysed national rules that restrict the free movement of goods and services and the right to establishment across the EU Single Market. The study also analysed trends over time in national restrictions and offers recommendations on how they can be removed. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Internal Market ...

This study analyses the current state of national obstacles to free movement in the EU Single Market. It focuses on various aspects of obstacles related to free movement of goods and services, the right to establishment, the Digital Single Market, consumer protection and public procurement. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO).