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The current Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 on minimum breaks and rest periods for road freight and passenger transport drivers does not take into account the nature of occasional bus and coach services, and their drivers' specific needs. The European Commission has therefore proposed to amend this legislation and to introduce more flexible rules on splitting up breaks and taking daily and weekly rest periods. In the European Parliament, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) is responsible for ...

Obecne rozporządzenie (WE) nr 561/2006 dotyczące minimalnych przerw i okresów odpoczynku kierowców w transporcie drogowym nie uwzględnia szczególnych cech i potrzeb okazjonalnych przewozów osób (autokary i autobusy, głównie turystyczne). W związku z tym Komisja Europejska zaproponowała, by zmienić te przepisy i wprowadzić bardziej elastyczne zasady dotyczące podziału przerw oraz korzystania z dziennych i tygodniowych okresów odpoczynku. Parlamentarna Komisja Transportu i Turystyki (TRAN) przyjęła ...

For over 30 years, the EU has been pursuing the objective of developing an efficient and competitive EU-wide railway network, the single European railway area. By integrating national rail systems, rail should become more competitive, ultimately allowing transport to become more sustainable. Efficient, safe and interoperable rail services need train drivers who can work seamlessly across borders and across operational and language barriers. In the absence of an EU-wide certification scheme, however ...

Women working in transport

W skrócie 07-03-2022

International Women's Day on 8 March 2022 marks an occasion to reflect on the position of women as workers in the EU transport sector. Women only represent on average around 16 % (2020) of total employees in the different transport sectors and modes (land, water and air). In view of growing labour shortages in this important economic sector, worsened by the coronavirus pandemic, this share needs to increase, according to experts.

Women and transport

Badanie 16-12-2021

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, summarises achievements in gender and transport in the EU in regard to knowledge and policies considering women as transport users and as workers in the transport sector. It introduces the most recent data and concepts, presents promising practices and provides EU policy indications in the context of the European Green Deal to effectively support ...

The EU has established a range of social measures applicable to the road transport sector, which aim at improving drivers' working conditions, road safety and competition. To give real substance to these measures, compliance is key. The 2006 Enforcement Directive was therefore adopted to effectively implement the social provisions of the Driving Time Regulation. The present proposal, published in the context of the European Commission's 2017 'Europe on the move' initiative, seeks to remedy some shortcomings ...

The Driving Time and Tachograph Regulations were adopted to improve drivers' working conditions and road safety, as well as to enhance compliance with the rules, and competition between road operators. In the context of the European Commission's 2017 'Europe on the move' package, the present proposal aims to remedy the shortcomings of these regulations, on which a broad consensus has emerged: lack of clarity, non-uniform implementation, insufficient enforcement and a need for strengthened cooperation ...

Oprócz liberalizacji transportu i ustanowienia rynku wewnętrznego w sektorze transportu UE wprowadziła też środki społeczne i rynkowe. W celu wzmocnienia tych środków w sektorze transportu drogowego towarów 31 maja 2017 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła w ramach pakietu „Europa w ruchu” zestaw trzech wniosków ustawodawczych dotyczących czasu prowadzenia pojazdu i czasu odpoczynku, delegowania kierowców oraz dostępu do zawodu i kabotażu. Głosowanie w drugim czytaniu w Parlamencie Europejskim nad zestawem ...

Highlights of the January I plenary session included the latest debate on the future of Europe, with Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, Spain's prime minister, and a debate on the UK's withdrawal from the EU. Members also debated the reform of EU asylum and migration policy, reviewed the Austrian Council Presidency and discussed the incoming Romanian Presidency's programme. Among the subjects debated and voted, Parliament adopted positions on 12 more of the three dozen funding programmes proposed for ...

W maju 2017 r. w ramach inicjatywy „Europa w ruchu” Komisja Europejska przedstawiła zbiór trzech wniosków w sprawie aktualizacji przepisów socjalnych i rynkowych w sektorze transportu drogowego. W czerwcu 2018 r. Komisja Transportu i Turystyki (TRAN) Parlamentu Europejskiego przyjęła swoje sprawozdania w sprawie tych wniosków oraz uprawnień do rozpoczęcia negocjacji trójstronnych. Jednak na czerwcowym posiedzeniu plenarnym Parlament nie zatwierdził tych uprawnień. W związku z tym zgodnie z Regulaminem ...