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Przegląd dyrektywy o prawach jazdy

W skrócie 21-02-2024

W ramach unijnej wizji zero (wyeliminowanie ofiar śmiertelnych na drogach UE do 2050 r.) oraz europejskiej strategii na rzecz zrównoważonej i inteligentnej mobilności Komisja Europejska zaproponowała przegląd dyrektywy w sprawie praw jazdy. Celem jest znalezienie właściwej równowagi między poprawą bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego dla wszystkich użytkowników dróg, zapewnieniem swobody przemieszczania się a zmniejszeniem obciążeń administracyjnych dzięki harmonizacji procedur państw członkowskich. W ...

At their summit in Hiroshima (Japan), G7 leaders agreed to coordinate their approach to economic resilience and economic security. In the EU, this was followed by the Economic Security Strategy presented in June 2023. Among the G7 countries, Japan was the first to announce, in the autumn of 2021, a legislative package meant to reinforce economic resilience and economic security, now in the final stage of implementation. Cooperation on economic security will feature on the agenda of the 29th EU–Japan ...

W wytycznych Unii Europejskiej w sprawie obrońców praw człowieka, przyjętych w 2004 r. i zmienionych w 2008 r., określono ramy ochrony obrońców praw człowieka w krajach trzecich oraz służące temu instrumenty. Podczas pierwszej marcowej sesji plenarnej posłowie będą rozmawiać o wdrażaniu tych wytycznych. Za podstawę dyskusji posłuży sprawozdanie z oceny sporządzone z własnej inicjatywy przez Komisję Spraw Zagranicznych Parlamentu Europejskiego. W dalszej części sesji plenarnej Rada i Komisja mają ...

In December 2013, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2 November as the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. The date was chosen in commemoration of the assassination in Mali of Claude Verlon and Ghislaine Dupont, two French journalists, on 2 November 2013. The EU is actively engaged in protecting the independence and safety of journalists, as a crucial component in the proper democratic functioning of its institutions and Member States. Nevertheless, in recent ...

This study examines the implementation of the European Union (EU) Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders, which constitute the policy framework and provide the operational means for protecting human rights activists in third countries. The first part of the study, written internally, provides an institutional perspective of the implementation of the Guidelines. It assesses the development of the EU framework to support human rights defenders, including EU Member States' emergency measures, and evaluates ...

Since 2012 media freedom has been in general decline. While statistics for the 2002-2021 time-period show that the number of killings of journalists has declined somewhat in recent years (since 2013), there has been a marked erosion of legally enabling environments and an increase in other damaging forms of targeted attacks on the media. These include non-lethal physical violence; legal, digital, psycho-social, gender and identity-based intimidation; and state-led capture of the media landscape, ...

Plenary round-up - March I 2022

W skrócie 11-03-2022

As the March I 2022 plenary session in Strasbourg took place just two weeks after Russia launched its war on Ukraine, security and economic issues were high on the agenda. Members held a debate with Kaja Kallas, Prime Minister of Estonia, on the EU's role in a changing world and the security situation in Europe, and debated Council and Commission statements on the deterioration of the situation of refugees fleeing Ukraine. Celebrating International Women's Day, Members heard an address by Ukrainian ...

Many politicians and analysts have been arguing in recent years that, being highly vulnerable to external shocks, the European Union should boost its ‘strategic autonomy’ and/or develop a higher degree of ‘European sovereignty’. These concepts encompass a greater potential for independence, self-reliance and resilience in a wide range of fields – such as defence, security and trade, as well as in industrial, digital, economic, migration and health policies. Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine ...

Russia’s military build-up around Ukraine, as well as fears of an armed conflict between the two countries, have highlighted the importance of the on-going debate about how to strengthen the European Union’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). On 17 February, the European Parliament adopted resolutions calling for a more ambitious CSDP, to counter threats such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, exploitation of migration for political purposes, and foreign interference. The Parliament has also welcomed ...

Precise figures about the numbers of illegal firearms in the European Union (EU) are lacking, but several indicators point to their widespread availability and accessibility. According to the Small Arms Survey, over half of the estimated total number of firearms held by civilians in the EU in 2017 were unlicensed. While most of these citizens had no criminal intentions, their illicit firearms could be used for self-harm or domestic violence, or end up in the hands of criminals or terrorists. Most ...