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W związku z tym, że emisje z lotnictwa mają wzrosnąć do 2050 r., wniosek Komisji Europejskiej dotyczący przeglądu unijnego systemu handlu uprawnieniami do emisji (ETS) w odniesieniu do lotnictwa, będący częścią pakietu „Gotowi na 55”, ma dopilnować, by sektor ten przyczyniał się do realizacji celów klimatycznych. Emisje dwutlenku węgla (CO2) z lotnictwa są objęte EU ETS od 2012 r. W przeglądzie uwzględniono międzynarodowy środek kompensacji emisji lotniczych CORSIA. Głosowanie nad uzgodnionym tekstem ...

This briefing follows up on the commitments made by the commissioner in 2019.

Outermost regions of the EU

Briefing 30-08-2022

The European Union's outermost regions (ORs) qualify for special treatment owing to structural difficulties – such as remoteness, difficult topography and economic dependence on a few products – that can severely hamper their development. In addition, the coronavirus pandemic has hit their economies particularly hard. While these regions are quite different from one another, they have levels of unemployment and GDP significantly worse than EU and national averages. Article 349 of the Treaty on the ...

As part of the budget framework for the 2021-2027 period, the European Union has adopted new rules on funding dedicated to the Common Fisheries Policy and the Integrated Maritime Policy. Based on a Commission proposal of June 2018, Parliament adopted its first reading position in April 2019. After lengthy interinstitutional negotiations, started after the 2019 elections, political agreement was reached on 4 December 2020. Compared to the previous period, the new fund gives Member States more flexibility ...

Podczas lipcowej sesji plenarnej Parlament ma głosować w drugim czytaniu nad tekstem uzgodnionym z Radą w sprawie Europejskiego Funduszu Morskiego, Rybackiego i Akwakultury (EFMRA) na lata 2021-2027. Fundusz ten, dysponujący budżetem w wysokości około 6 mld euro, jest głównym narzędziem finansowym wspierającym wspólną politykę rybołówstwa. W porównaniu z wnioskiem Komisji, współustawodawcy rozszerzyli pomoc dla floty na statki o długości od 12 do 24 metrów, ale pod ścisłymi warunkami.

Better known as Interreg, European territorial cooperation is one of the most visible examples of how EU Member States can work together for the common good. Gradually growing in importance since its creation 30 years ago, its budget has increased tenfold in this period, with ETC acquiring its own regulation for 2014-2020. The proposal for a new ETC regulation is part of the post 2020 cohesion package, with the European Parliament expected to vote at second reading at its June II plenary session ...

Outermost regions of the EU

Briefing 25-05-2021

The European Union's outermost regions qualify for special treatment owing to structural difficulties – such as remoteness, difficult topography and economic dependence on a few products – that can severely hamper their development. Specific support mechanisms exist under cohesion, agricultural and fisheries policies, with the Commission outlining measures aimed at assisting outermost regions in communications published in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Nevertheless, with the outermost regions continuing ...

This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability ...

This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability ...

Outermost regions of the EU

Briefing 15-05-2020

The European Union's outermost regions qualify for special treatment owing to structural difficulties, such as remoteness, difficult topography or economic dependence on a few products, that can severely hamper their development. Specific support mechanisms exist under cohesion, agricultural and fisheries policies, with the Commission outlining measures aimed at assisting outermost regions in communications published in 2004, 2008, and 2012. Nevertheless, with the outermost regions continuing to ...