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In July 2023, the European Commission tabled a package of proposals aimed at greening freight transport. One of these proposals focuses on improving the use of rail infrastructure capacity. The proposed text suggests changes to the rules governing the planning and allocation of railway infrastructure capacity, which are currently outlined in Directive 2012/34/EU and Regulation (EU) No 913/2010. The goal of the changes is to enhance the management of rail infrastructure capacity and traffic as a way ...

Council Directive 92/106/EEC (the 'Combined Transport Directive') is one of the key EU legal instruments aimed at promoting the shift of freight from road to lower-emission transport modes. It supports the uptake of transport operations that combine road – on one or both ends of a journey – with rail or waterways, by providing advantages such as exemptions from restrictions (on weights and dimensions of vehicles or circulation) and tax reductions. The directive contributed to the development of the ...

This At a glance note summarises the study on Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19: Public transport

In response to Russia’s unjustified invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has adopted unprecedented new sanctions. These included a ban of all Russian aircraft from its airspace, to which Russia reacted by banning all EU airlines from its skies. While the full weight of these decisions is only starting to be felt, the implications of the conflict for EU transport are much larger and include steep increases in fuel prices, interruptions to supply chains and the need to ensure the safe return of ...

This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public transport sector, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.

This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU freight transport, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.

In 2007, the EU established a set of basic rights for rail passengers, which became applicable at the end of 2009. These rights provide for all passengers, including those with reduced mobility, a harmonised minimum level of protection, information and assistance. Reports have concluded that the implementation of these rights, although relatively smooth, is not done uniformly across the EU. Moreover, other shortcomings have prevented these rights from being used to their full potential. In September ...

This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU transport workers and their working conditions, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.

Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 1371/2007 reguluje w UE prawa i obowiązki pasażerów w ruchu kolejowym oraz przewiduje zharmonizowane informacje, pomoc i odszkodowania dla wszystkich pasażerów. We wrześniu 2017 r. Komisja Europejska przyjęła nowy wniosek mający na celu osiągnięcie większej równowagi między wzmocnieniem praw pasażerów a zmniejszeniem obciążeń dla przedsiębiorstw kolejowych. Oczekuje się, że podczas kwietniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski przeprowadzi głosowanie w drugim czytaniu w ...

Europejski Rok Kolei 2021

W skrócie 10-12-2020

Od 1983 r. UE wybiera co roku szczególny temat, na który przez cały rok uwrażliwia obywateli, zachęcając do debaty publicznej. 2021 będzie Europejskim Rokiem Kolei. W związku z tym zaplanowano szereg wydarzeń, aby podkreślić wyzwania i możliwości związane z koleją oraz jej wkład w bardziej ekologiczne środowisko. Podczas grudniowej sesji plenarnej Parlament ma przeprowadzić głosowanie nad wnioskiem ustawodawczym w tej sprawie, aby promować kolej jako zrównoważony, innowacyjny i bezpieczny środek ...