
Rezultati iskanja

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European health data space

Briefing 18-04-2024

The COVID-19 pandemic shone a light on the growing importance of digital health technologies, both to enable remote medical care and to facilitate the health response from international, national and local authorities. The European Commission's May 2022 proposal for a regulation on a European health data space aims to improve individuals' access to and control over their electronic personal data (primary use), while facilitating data re-use for the good of society across the EU (secondary use). The ...

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act moved close to final adoption when the European Parliament voted in favour of the text on 13 March. It will become law after the final endorsement of the Council of the European Union, making the Union the first major world power to adopt horizontal legislation governing AI. The act defines the rules for using and selling artificial intelligence systems in the EU, and regulates general-purpose AI tools such as ChatGPT and AI-based biometric surveillance. It also ...

Enhancing research security

Briefing 26-03-2024

On 24 January 2024, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a Council recommendation on enhancing research security. The procedure does not require the European Parliament's involvement. Research security refers to the safeguarding of scientific activities against misuse and undue influence by third countries or non-state actors. Risks to research include the illicit transfer of knowledge or technology resulting in a threat to the EU's security or undermining its values. Competence for identifying ...

The European automotive industry is striving to adapt to market changes driven by the dual green and digital transition. Electrification has become the main strategy for reducing CO2 emissions, especially in urban traffic. At the same time, the average size and weight of cars have greatly increased. Big electric cars are the trend, but are they really the solution? Could better planning and optimisation of resources help?

On 27 February 2023, the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation to allow voluntary digital labelling of EU fertilising products. This initiative follows similar EU legislative initiatives establishing the digital labelling of goods in other economic sectors, such as batteries. The rationale for digital labelling is provided by the deployment of digital solutions, such as QR codes, that can lower the cost of labelling while facilitating the updating of content, and also by the increasing ...

Vsesplošno razširjen digitalni enotni trg

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-02-2024

Digitalni enotni trg poganja gospodarstvo, zmanjšuje vpliv na okolje ter z e-trgovino in e-upravo izboljšuje kakovost življenja. Ker storitve prehajajo s fiksnih na mobilne platforme, je za ta prehod potreben evropski okvir za računalništvo v oblaku, čezmejni dostop do vsebin in brezmejne mobilne podatke, pri čemer je treba poskrbeti tudi za varovanje zasebnosti ter kibernetsko varnost. Evropski digitalni enotni trg je imel med koronavirusno krizo ključno vlogo. Akt o digitalnih storitvah in akt ...

Informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije ter podatkovne storitve po pomembnosti zdaj presegajo tradicionalne telefonske storitve tako za potrošnike kot za podjetja. Evropska unija je zaradi porasta vsebin na zahtevo in vse večje razširjenosti 4G/5G uvedla regulativni okvir za telekomunikacije, ki zajema vse vrste telekomunikacij, tudi radiodifuzijo. Raziskave kažejo, da te storitve k BDP Unije letno prispevajo 86,1 milijarde EUR, novi ukrepi pa bi mu lahko doprinesli dodatnih 40 milijard EUR.

Evropska digitalna agenda

Kratki vodnik po EU 01-02-2024

Platforme digitalnih storitev in nove tehnologije, kot je umetna inteligenca, močno vplivajo na vsa področja naše družbe. Te inovacije so na novo opredelile, kako komuniciramo, nakupujemo in dostopamo do informacij na spletu ter so tako postale nepogrešljiv del našega vsakdana. Ta prehod obravnava digitalna agenda za obdobje 2020–2030. Osredotoča se na ustvarjanje varnih digitalnih prostorov, zagotavljanje poštene konkurence na digitalnih trgih in okrepitev digitalne suverenosti Evrope, obenem pa ...

In 2023, the Commission adopted a proposal for a decision of the Parliament and of the Council amending Decision (EU) 2017/1324, to ensure the EU's continued participation in the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) under Horizon Europe. A partnership between the EU and 19 states, including 11 EU Member States, PRIMA seeks to build research and innovation capacities, and to develop knowledge and common innovative solutions for sustainable agro-food systems and ...

Inovacijska politika

Kratki vodnik po EU 18-01-2024

Inovacije imajo v našem gospodarstvu vse pomembnejšo vlogo. Poleg tega, da koristijo potrošnikom in delavcem v Uniji, so nujne za ustvarjanje boljših delovnih mest, bolj zelene družbe in višje kakovosti življenja. Prav tako so osrednjega pomena za ohranjanje konkurenčnosti Evropske unije na svetovnih trgih. Inovacijska politika je posrednik med politiko na področju raziskav in tehnološkega razvoja ter industrijsko politiko, njen cilj pa je ustvariti okvir, ki bo spodbujal udejanjanje zamisli na trgu ...